About Our Blade


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Tamahagane  In historical blades  the skillful manipulation of tamahagane steel is the acknowledged source of the legendary qualities of the Japanese samurai blades. Modern Japanese smiths credit Tamahagane with producing the extraordinary aesthetic appearance of the historical Japanese samurai blades which they seek to emulate and would not think of using any other source of steel in newly forged blades (shinsakuto).

Our Tamahagane iron sand is sourced from similar types of alluvial sands as are found in Japan. Our smelting process is done through low-temperature oxidization. The temperature is raised enough to turn the steel into a sludge and separate, but is not so hot as to make it liquefy. Smelting is not done in a tatara (traditional clay smelter), which has to be rebuilt every time but is smelted with modified using modern equipment that closely replicates the historical process and prevents the steel from liquefying. Some Japanese smiths use a similar process also replacing the temporary tatara with a more permanent smelter. The result is a beautiful steel with historical aesthetics and weight characteristics, clearly identifiable as Tamahagane at a more manageable cost.

Our Tamahagane blades are of extremely high quality and aesthetic beauty, representing the epitome of the samurai sword forging art outside of Japan.  There is no comparison to these blades in term of weight, balance, aesthetic beauty and authenticity of materials. Their cutting ability is extraordinary.
Each blade is individually hand forge folded and clay tempered with laminations, resulting in an authentic and beautiful hada pattern. The sword is hand polished  using authentic Japanese stones, and finished with Jizuya and Hazuya finger stones to bring out the extraordinary qualities of the natural Hamon and Hada

The hamon on these blades are never acid etched. These blades have a Hadori polish done with Japanese finger stones which makes the hamon stand out with a frosty white appearance in many of the photographs. Blades with a more traditional sashikomi style polish that us less opaque and follows the line and activity of the hada are available upon request.

Each blade is unique and we provide you with a choice of several blades for your final selection.

DAIMYO Folded Series

 Daimyo Folded LaminationOur DAIMYO Folded Series blade is made from 1095 high carbon steel or T10 tool steel in the traditional Honsanmai – Sanmai lamination method involving a hard outer sheath for strength, wrapped over a softer steel core for resiliency. The blade is traditionally forge folded to produce  layers and is hand forged and drawn out. The blades have a beautiful hada and a naturally hand clayed and water quenched hamon  then polishing with japanese finger stone. This is a beautifully balanced blade that is extremely quick, possesses exceptional aesthetics, and is ideal for Iai kata and suitable for heavy cutting.


DAIMYO Forged Series

 Daimyo Forged LaminationOur DAIMYO Forged Series blade is made from 1095 high carbon steel or T10 Tool steel in the traditional Honsanmai-Sanmai  lamination method involving a hard outer sheath for strength, wrapped over a softer steel core for resiliency. The blade is traditionally  hand forged and drawn out. The blades have a beautiful hada and a naturally hand clayed and water quenched hamon then polishing with japanese finger stone. This is a beautifully balanced blade that is extremely quick, possesses exceptional aesthetics, and is ideal for Iai kata and suitable for heavy cutting.


TAMEWARI  Folded Series

Kasane tetsu  These blades are made using what we refer to as the “Kasane Tetsu” method of construction. The sword blade is formed utilizing multiple high carbon steels specifically selected to recreate and enhance the characteristics of historical blades. The different steels are stacked in layers and forge welded to form the sword billet. The billet is then heated and drawn out, split and then folded back on itself multiple times creating a layer blade with strength and beauty. The use of different carbon steels and the precision with which the steel is folded, hammered and forge-welded yields a beautiful and distinctive grain pattern in the blade known as hada (jihada). Finally, the blade is hand coated with clay, reheated and water quenched to produce a differentially tempered blade with true crystalline structure hamon. The Kasane Tetsu process results in a tough blade with a spectacular natural hamon and hada that truly emulate the look and feel of a historic blade. This is a robust blade that is well balanced for kata with additional strength for those who stress cutting over more traditional practice, for Tamewari forged series blade we use T10 tool steel .These are extraordinarily beautiful, resilient and well balanced cutters.

BUSHI Forged Series

 Bushi Series The blades are forged from billet high carbon 1065 steel or 1095 High carbon steel that is differentially hardened and clay tempered producing a beautiful traditional and natural hamon.  This method of tempering enables the blade to retain its flexibility while the hardened edge produces a sharp and durable cutting edge.  This blade has the traditional aesthetics that are sought by many practitioners yet the toughness and durability to withstand frequent dojo cutting practice. there is two type polishing for forged bushi series that’s make different between standar bushi with deluxe bushi.
We have some Bushi series that can be selected as needed, forged 1065 high carbon steel clay temper, 1095 folded steel clay temper,1095 folded steel lamination clay temper.



Takemitshu Folded series The Takemitshu line of swords offers durability and performance. They are the work horse of our line. They are well balanced and robust blades made of exceptionally resilient 1060 high carbon steel of Maru  construction with simple quality koshirae. We have selected 1060 steel as an option because of its overall similarity to a historical blade and the resiliency and forgiving nature of the carbon steel. These make an outstanding everyday cutting blade and great blades for new students or those on a budget.  We have some takemitshu series that can be selected as needed,1045 folded steel, forged 1045 medium cabon steel clay temper,  1060 folded steel. forged 9260 spring steel, forged 1095 high carbon steel.