Terms and Conditions

You must be at least 18 or older to purchase with EIJIForge. The laws concerning the ownership, carry, and use of these items found on EIJIForge website vary from one community to the next. It is the buyers responsibility to ascertain what these laws are in their community and to obey them. The buyer agrees to all terms and conditions and assumes all liability. EIJIForge and all of it’s affiliates assume no responsibility for any injuries that may occur by the mishandling or negligent use of any merchandise sold on our website.

Order Time Deadline
Buyer only had 2 days to make the transfer of payment after confirmation to buy, after the transfer please confirm to EIJIForge to proceed. if within 2 days of silence then we assume the buyer is not serious and we will  not respond these individuals for the future.
if you wish to pay with other facilities then do not hesitate to contact us via phone.

Payment Policy
All prices within EIJIForge is Indonesia Rupiah or $ USD currency.
Payment Transfer To Our Bank Accounts:






We will not process your order until payment has been verified and cleared.

Shipping Policy
We normally ship the product after the payment is received and we will give the packet tracking number to the buyer. We work to ship your items as fast as possible. We realize that quick shipping and receiving is as important to you as price and customer service. Most in stock orders will be shipped the same day if you get your order in before our daily pickup. Holidays and off days will create more time needed for shipping. We will alert you to this fact on this page. Our daily pickup comes at 17.00 WIB. Courier does not pickup or deliver on Sunday. If you need something for a Sunday delivery, please call us.